Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo donates 150 trees to Paneveggio

Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo, a point of reference in the management of labor relations and legal services for companies, with the collaboration of MMN and Xerox, donates 150 trees to Paneveggio. They were planted by Rete Clima experts in agreement with the Autonomous Province of Trento. The initiative is part of the ESG activities undertaken by Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo to reduce the environmental impact at all its offices, from the elimination of single-use plastics to the formalization of a Green Policy to reduce energy consumption.

La Scala plants 500 trees together with 50 stakeholders

La Scala Società tra Avvocati, MMN and Xerox plant 500 trees in Paneveggio in collaboration with Rete Clima and the Autonomous Province of Trento. A project that is part of a wider process focused on development and sustainability of the company and which involved 50 internal stakeholders.

The Printing Carbon Neutral project proposed and managed by MMN also provides for the compensation of emissions with carbon credits based on VCS-Verra standards, and has seen tangible actions with the function of social awareness and team building opportunities, with an ad-hoc project planting of trees.

Jacobacci & Partners not just for intellectual property

The forestation activities of Jacobacci & Partners also continue in Turin. MMN’s IT Carbon Neutral project made it possible to review print flows and implement actions to neutralize the carbon footprint of law firm printing processes.

Another 100 trees for the city of Turin, when mature, will contribute to a series of ecosystem services including the overall absorption of over 100 tons of CO2, in contrast to global warming. The forests created in this way allow the generation of a wide range of ecosystem services: improvement of the air, reduction of temperatures and increase in biodiversity.

Jacobacci & Partners achieves low impact printing projects

As part of the renewal of printing processes, Jacobacci & Partners has paid attention to optimizing flows and devices to reduce waste, also making concrete its commitment to the environment. To meet this need, it chose the MMN proposal which, starting from the best Xerox technology, a brand recognized for its commitment to sustainability, subsequently undertook a careful analysis aimed at the emission reduction of document production, which involved also the choice of more environmentally friendly paper, as well as the compensation of the residual carbon footprint of Xerox printers and printing processes through a certified international carbon offset project (according to the Verra standard), aimed at protecting the Amazon forest (Portel Project Para REDD+).
By implementing important give-back activities in the area, Jacobacci & Partners have planted 300 trees in the area north of Milan.

Sede Operativa: Viale Lombardia 33 - 20056 Trezzo S/A (MI)
Sede Legale:      Via Visconti di Modrone 33 - 20122 - Milano
P.IVA 12012110156 - C.F. 01923130163 - Cap Soc € 4.300.000 i.v. - REA: MI-1523259
PEC - Cert. UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Politica Aziendale - Codice Etico - Privacy e Cookie Policy

Dal 1989 MMN propone soluzioni e servizi IT per far ottenere benefici alle persone e vantaggi competitivi a imprese e istituti di formazione e di ricerca. Prima in Italia nel settore per la prestigiosa classifica Financial Times FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies, opera nei settori Enterprise, SMB ed Education. Numerose le partnership (le più rilevanti con Apple e Xerox) e le certificazioni acquisite negli anni, tra cui la ISO 9001 per il Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità.

Sede Operativa: Viale Lombardia 33 - 20056 Trezzo S/A (MI)
Sede Legale:      Via Visconti di Modrone 33 - 20122 - Milano
P.IVA 12012110156 - C.F. 01923130163 - Cap Soc € 4.300.000 i.v. - REA: MI-1523259
PEC - Cert. UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Politica Aziendale - Codice Etico - Privacy e Cookie Policy 

Dal 1989 MMN propone soluzioni e servizi IT per far ottenere benefici alle persone e vantaggi competitivi a imprese e istituti di formazione e di ricerca. Prima in Italia nel settore per la prestigiosa classifica Financial Times FT1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies, opera nei settori Enterprise, SMB ed Education. Numerose le partnership (le più rilevanti con Apple e Xerox) e le certificazioni acquisite negli anni, tra cui la ISO 9001 per il Sistema di Gestione per la Qualità.